General Information
The Turkish Straits VTS has been established in accordance with applicable national and international rules and regulations in order to improve the safety of navigation, protection of life, property and enviroment in the Turkish Straits by using the latest technology.
Marine Traffic in the TSVTS delineated area is monitored by using Radar, ENC, AIS, CCTV and VHF equipment such as VHF R/T, DSC and DF. TSVTS also receives information from various sources on anticipated vessel movements, hazards to navigation, aids to navigation and any other information of interests to TSVTS participants.

İstanbul (Bosphorus)
The sectors and assigned VHF working channels in the Istanbul Strait are in the following order from North to South.

Sector Marmara
The sectors and assigned VHF working channels in Marmara Sea.

Çanakkale (Dardanel)
The sectors and assigned VHF/RT working channels in the Canakkale Strait are in following order from North to South.